The physical body is the vessel through which we heal the soul. The soul is the vessel through which we heal the Lightbody.

Beyond Doorways - Energy Balance

If you feeling drained, anxious, unwell or just not feeling 100%, this session is for you. Following this experience you are likely to have more clarity, feel more grounded, centred and lighter. 

If you are seeking a deeper level of change, it is the full Transference Healing, described below, that is recommended.

When attending in person, please allow between 45-60 minutes to include feedback, £58

Transference Healing

When attending in person, please allow between 80-90 minutes to include feedback, £85

Delegated by the universe in response to your higher-self, this full alchemical and lightbody healing creates a space in which you will receive multi-dimensional frequencies of light and elements that release discord and enabling activations that create change. Like tuning into the different wavelengths of a radio set, we are able to release static and attune to and find clarity within new and higher frequencies and realities.

If you are feeling inspired to push your growth or are experiencing a time of overwhelm, stress or stagnation, it is the Seven Planes of Transformation Healing Session, described below, that is recommended.

Seven Planes of Transformation Healing Session

When attending in person, please allow between 90-120 minutes to include feedback, £120

As well as receiving your full Transference Healing – described above – this extended alchemical and frequency healing session specifically focuses upon a plane of consciousness and energy-centre within your physical/etheric body; the area of focus will be divinely guided at the time of your appointment…

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Please note that the energy activated during an appointment will continue to run for a few weeks. Whilst it makes sense not to abandon your initial investment, how often you receive the energy is entirely at your discretion.